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I didn’t find a class on storytelling when I was at Northeastern. That’s probably because it isn’t much requested or even for that matter, learned in a formal setting. Storytelling is one such thing that slips under the rugs, lives behind your curtains and is there – but it’s dust.

Storytelling dust.

Grab a seat.

I got air of this word storytelling back in 2018 when I was reading up on some blogs and email copywriting tricks. As a marketer, I do have to keep doing research, if I want to better myself. I don’t believe in stagnation, it annoys the crap out of me.

Storytelling at first seemed like a fancy shmancy word, so I ignored it, obviously. However when I started reading up more about it very infrequently, I must confess, I realized that there was more to it than just this word. It seemed like the giant gateway to storytelling land was slowly opening for me and I could see the sunshine come through.

Corporate life really has its boons but one of the disadvantages is that you really need to slot out time and do the things you love, outside work, if you want to become successful in them. And, that is something I failed at miserably. I used to come home, watch TV and sleep.

Till I dumb-knotted the thing, and put in storytelling into every goddamn Google search I made. Content marketing + storytelling, email + storytelling, social media + storytelling; and Google cooperated and through my research for work, I learned storytelling along the way in 2018-9.

In 2019, I remmeber I actually took time out and promised myself I would read about storytelling every day for the entire week. From there, I’ll make a decision on what’s next. Do I leave this thing? Do I want to pursue it further? – And, just like every good story, the more I read about it the more I realized how much I have been missing out.

That being said, I did not want to take it for granted, I am blessed that I was not starting from ground zero. Since I had studied Engligh Literature/Grammar till my O Level exams (grade 11), I found similarities and could make the connections easily. Side note: I actually got an A in English back then!

The more I read, the more I loved it, the deeper I got immersed into it, and it was serene and serendipitous. I didn’t realise a Google search would take me so far. That is indeed a rare occurrence.

The beautiful thing about storytelling that I realized was that it was not mechanical. It was very natural and it just required some tweaks and tips and hacks to make it work for me.

I honestly believe that everybody can become a storyteller.

You just need to have the initiative and drive to make this more than just a word on Google search.

And, along the way, find your secret portion.

Thank you Google.


Moving forward to January 2020 – I was in the midst of deciding if I wanted to jump independent, and I was thinking about the word storyteller.


It scared me initially, because I came to know of some super famous people and storytellers, and I was nowhere close. But, just as all battles and successes, this one was going to be one of them.


I decided to brand myself as a brand storyteller and communications specialist. I think I debated about this for over a week with my close ones and peers. It was a lot of responsibility.

I actually told each of them to ask me questions on storytelling to check if I knew my stuff, and was being genuine.


Turns out I passed their tests, by some luck, and it went up on my Linkedin.


I almost felt like Simba in Lion King when he was lifted from the rock.


This little cub became a lioness.


It’s been 6 months, I’ve worked on 50+ stories for startups, and the most stressful project of them all, this website.


Here I am

in all honesty, transparency and with humility.


  • Your storyteller